Here's a sample of projects and programs we have been proud to work on

City of Eastvale SB 743 Implementation

Managed a consultant supported project to develop VMT CEQA impact analysis screening criteria and thresholds as well as developing the preparation of new Traffic Impact Study Guidelines. The screening criteria and thresholds were approved by Planning Commission and City Council and included the removal of Level of Service criteria, while keeping site related operational and safety analyses for the discretionary approval process.

City of Ojai Active Transportation Project

Mr. Mericle led the design of the signing and striping plans for an $5M project to add bike facilities along Maricopa Highway and Ojai Avenue in the City of Ojai. The project is along two State of California highways and includes Class IV and Class II bike facilities as well as many enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crossings and school access enhancements.

City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering Strategic Plan

Tom led a consultant team that worked closely with City staff to develop a new strategic plan for the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering. The project included several interviews with strategic partners across the City as well as an internal working group of more than 50 staff to identify new mission statement, goals, strategies, actions, and performance measures to guide the agency forward to be a leading in the region.

Mueller Development Street Design, Austin, TX

Worked with the Catellus Development Corporation and City of Austin, TX to review and change street designs for a 700-acre mixed use development to address new access requirements from the City’s Fire Department. The work included collaboration with a fire safety expert to review emergency service delivery to the development.

California Street Bridge Pedestrian Enhancements

Tom served as the project manager for the design and construction of this project that created a safer walking and biking facility over US 101 in Downtown Ventura. The project included public art integrated into the design and was awarded the 2019 APWA Project of the Year award.

Signal Timing, Coordination, and Networking Projects in Various Agencies

Working with City staff we have evaluated traffic signal systems for hardware, software, and traffic signal timing improvements.

Ventura Bike Master Plan

Complete update of the City of Ventura General Bikeway Plan. Tom served as the project manager for the project and led a 12-member community focus group in the development of the plan.

Ventura Downtown Specific Plan and Parking Management Program

Mr. Mericle led the development of Mobility and Park Once policies and actions and wrote the Downtown Parking Management Program. He was strategically involved in the Streetscapes chapter.

Ventura Bus Transfer Center

This transit facility design collaboration between an architect and internationally recognized artist won local and state awards and appeared in art industry publications and Time Magazine. Mr. Mericle served as the project manager and was responsible for identifying and programming several sources of federal, state and local funding for the project.

Creation and Implementation of Ventura Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, Ventura

Created a new Neighborhood Traffic Management Program for the City to address traffic safety in neighborhoods. The program used a unique (for its time) 4-level process of improvements and programs to address residents’ concerns.